Louis Panagotopulos
Louis Panagotopulos

Before writing his first novel, Louis Panagotopulos worked over twenty years as an engineer in Boston-area electronics companies.  Small eastern Massachusetts’ towns and the blue-collar and middle-class people residing there serve as the settings and characters for his stories.  His novels written in a fast-paced, economic style include Choir Man, Great Mandala, R. Guy Rules and The Merriweather Quartet, four novellas – R.Guy Rocks, Come Back Come Back Howie Black, Crystal and Joel and Towne Tavern.  Short stories have been published in Solstice Literary Magazine and Husson University’s Crosscut.  


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In this fourth and final volume of the Merriweather Quartet three lives intersect in stories of love, loss and redemption. Twenty years after Vietnam Tommy Moylin continues to mourn the death of his only child TJ, the end of the Moylin line. When a young man shows up at his door ‘the spitting image of TJ’, Moylin’s world is turned upside down.


In this third volume of the Merriweather Quartet single parent Joel is raising his
teenage grand daughter and her baby. He struggles with Crystal’s irresponsibility
toward motherhood and her bad choices with men. When Crystal is killed in a
motorcycle accident, Joel is left caring for her daughter Tanya. As she enters her
teen years will he see her...

R.Guy Rocks: Merriweather Quartet Volume 1

In this first volume of the Merriweather Quartet R.Guy’s
dreams come true. He has a song on the radio, he
tours with a band in front of adoring audiences, he wins
the love of a woman he’s wanted since high school.
He learns that dreams are just that, dreams and made
real they are imperfect. R.Guy longs for his former
life as a husband and father...


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